Friday, February 4, 2011

The Calm Before the Storm

Debbie/Grammie/Mom is in town to help out while we await Huckleberry's arrival. She and Violet have been playing, visiting the library, doing laundry, making apple cake and, today, playing in the snow while Violet's school was closed for a whopping predicted half inch of snow. It turned out to be a bit more snow than that - enough for a small snowman - but it would still be laughable for our friends in more northerly climes to cancel anything for the snow we got today.

In addition to hanging out with Violet, Jason and I have been appreciating the laundry that magically gets done and dinner that gets cooked, naps for me in the afternoon and the general vacation-like atmosphere Debbie's been providing. It's also especially nice to know that Violet will be in good hands once labor has begun.

We don't know exactly when the next explosion of baby madness will land, but we're enjoying the wait for the time being.

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