Thursday, September 16, 2010

Goldbug Mystery!

Sally and Aaron and Juniper visited this past weekend and got a brief tour of our most-frequently-visited places in Little Rock. Aside from a few brief excursions, we mostly stuck to home, or very nearby, and caught up on each other's lives. Busytown was in play for a high percentage of the forty-eight hours our visitors were here and the following pictures feature everyone's favorite feature of the game: a Goldbug Mystery. When the spinner lands on those magical words, all the players get to search the board for the highest number of a particular type of object (traffic cones, anchors, etc) and then everyone gets to move forward that number of spaces. It's fun, even when the toddlers refuse to participate in the actual searching and just want to put magnifying glasses on the objects the adults have found for them.


  1. I don't know - Juniper's favorite part of the game might be when you roll "Pigs Eat." Never mind the fact that you lose if the pigs eat all the food before you get to the picnic!

  2. AND never mind that Juniper loves to say "I hope we don't get pigs eat!" You're right though Sally, I might just have been projecting because the mysteries are my favorite part :)
