Thursday, September 9, 2010


"Yesterday, when I was playing with my birthday stuff, I was really, really happy." - Violet, talking to Jason on Tuesday morning.

Violet had a great weekend with Nana and Dziadzi in town and had a particularly fantastic time on the day of her birthday itself. After a quick breakfast, everyone headed outside to see Violet's new bike, along with a helmet and matching bell from my parents.

After she got to check it out for a few minutes, we took it over to campus to ride around for a while. Every few feet Violet starts pedaling backwards and, therefore, applying the brakes unintentionally, and she's still working on steering, but she's definitely getting the hang of it.

Campus fountain with Nana & Dziadzi

In the afternoon, Violet was introduced to another exciting surprise: a water and sand table from Jason's parents. She was immediately enthralled and spent heretofore unprecedented amounts of time playing happily by herself. The two sides of the table stuck to themselves for about half an hour but the end of water-and-sand-table time saw one big mass of wet sand everywhere.

Since everyone was outside, Violet spent a good deal of time just running around and jumping off the patio (with grownups making sure she didn't clock her head on the dismount) and generally being a kid.

And then she got some of the grownups to jump with her.

While dinner was cooking, we got to play with the last big surprise of the day: a Richard Scarry game from the absent Roswellians. It's a perfect game for Violet's age and game-playing ability, features familiar characters and we've played it one or two times a day since opening it. In spite of that fact, there's no photographic evidence of its existence yet, but I'm sure we'll get some pictures of it in use soon.

Cake topped off the perfect Kid Day. Peanut butter frosting with a jelly '3' to mimic Violet's favorite cookie (peanut butter and jelly cookies - I'd never heard of them before but we discovered them at a bakery here and Violet is now a committed fan).


  1. Great pics! Thanks for sharing and glad V enjoyed the game. We miss you tons!

  2. Looks like it was an awesome day. Miss you all!
