Sunday, March 13, 2011

Psychedelic bath-time

We've taken to letting Violet essentially bathe herself...with lots and lots of prodding. This at least buys Cheryl and me enough time to have a brief post-prandial conversation, maybe relax after dinner, get a start on the dishes--ultimately, any time in which she is awake, self-entertained, free of danger, and happy, is blissful, stolen time for us parents.

Her most common line is "Daddy, Daddy, look how wet my hair has gotten!" In addition to the constant attention-seeking, she tends to mutter and sing to herself incomprehensibly. Tonight, what with daylight savings time, she's been a little more loquacious than usual, and as she spent a fair few minutes doing somersaults in the back yard I mowed earlier this morning, washing hair is non-negotiable.

I went in a few minutes ago to check in and see how it's going, and I noted that her hair wasn't wet at all. She told me that she forgot. Apparently she was too busy talking to the mirror in the faucet, and "I told the other Violet, 'Don't worry, I'm coming in there.'"

Weirder and weirder.


  1. I've also been giving Juniper more independence when washing herself. This is one of many reasons why I feel grateful for my natural lack of germaphobia. I assume if she's wet and there is no visible filth, then she got herself clean enough. And with enough of the Target detangler spray, I can always manage to brush her hair. I figure by the time she starts generating her own funk, she'll have learned how to wash properly.

  2. I totally remember talking to the girl in the faucet. She was so small and distorted looking! Glad V is enjoying herself. Hope you guys are well.
