Monday, October 18, 2010

State Fair


  1. We had a great time at the fair--V got to go on her first Ferris wheel and eat her first funnel cake and corn dog. I asked her how fast we should spin on the Dizzy Dragons and she said "really really fast", so we did. Halfway through the ride she crumpled into me--too fast.

    She told me afterward that she got too dizzy. That carousel picture was taken after the dragons, though, so it couldn't have been that bad. Still, there are better times to go eat fried food and stand on asphalt than in 94 degree heat with a 3 year old and a pregnant woman.

    When we were done, we were all ready to go, feeling hot and mildly nauseous, having been thoroughly fleeced and grateful for it. State fairs, what's not to love?

  2. Sounds a lot like our trip to Six Flags - both the fun, and the part about asphalt, 94 degree heat, and pregnancy! Looks like a good time indeed.
