Monday, August 30, 2010

Dispatch from the First Day of School

For what seem like pretty good and fairly obvious reasons, the teachers at Violet's school (probably most schools) like parents to make themselves scarce pretty quickly after getting a kid into their space. It was a little strange to leave shy-of-strangers Violet hesitating and silent in the doorway to a room full of new kids and a few grown-ups, but we did, and she was fine. When I picked her up at the end of her day, her teacher told me that she'd done well for her first day - no sadness, just quiet reservation. The first thing Violet wanted to tell me was that she hadn't painted. Guess she's looking forward to that activity :)  She liked playing outside on the playground and she liked the "singing thing" but she did not herself feel like singing, according to her. I think she's looking forward to going back tomorrow. Hopefully they'll get to paint sometime soon!

1 comment:

  1. How did our little babies turn into such big girls? Such an exciting time for both of them!
